We are excited to announce our 2025 Annual Conference! 
Please make plans to join us July 16-18th at the Wilmington Convention Center in Wilmington, NC.

Introducing This Year's Keynote Speaker:

Mr. Ron Clark 

Teacher and Founder of the Ron Clark Academy!

Ron Clark’s outstanding success with students from low-wealth areas of North Carolina and New York City led him to be named Disney’s American Teacher of the Year. He is a New York Times Best Selling author, and his classes have been honored at the White House on three separate occasions. Ron’s teaching experiences in New York City are the subject of the uplifting film, The Ron Clark Story, starring Matthew Perry. Currently, Mr. Clark serves as a teacher and administrator at the Ron Clark Academy, an award-winning and internationally acclaimed middle school in Atlanta, GA. The school serves as a training site for educators, and each year thousands of teachers and administrators from around the world visit the school to be trained in their methods for helping all students achieve success.




Early Bird Registration Is NOW OPEN!

Early Bird Registration will be open from March 3, 2025, to April 3, 2025.  Don't delay, take advantage of our early bird pricing for special discounts!  Regular rates will begin on April 4th and registration will remain open until July 7th.

To register, please click on the registration link that matches your school or business.

Registration for NCAPCS Member Schools or Brand-New Charter Schools

Registration for Schools that are not NCAPCS Members

Business Attendees that are NOT Sponsors

Teachers, if needed use this "Make the Case" letter to share with your administration why you should attend the 2025 NCAPCS Grow, Connect, Inspire Conference. 

 Hotel Booking Information

Click This Link to view our hotel booking information.

Interested in the conference but not sure what to expect?  Check out last year's agenda to see a glimpse of what 2025 might be like.

Sponsorships are Now Open!

Our sponsorships are open.  To see our available sponsorship opportunities, please click this link.  To claim a sponsorship, please fill out this form.  

Our Call for Proposals Is OPEN!

If you would like to present at our conference, please submit your proposal using the form below that best matches you:

Teacher/School Leader Call for Proposal Form

General Call for Proposal Form


 Thank you to our 2025 Conference Sponsors!



Questions?  Please contact Emily Moore at [email protected].